Let's Work Together

Explore remote-friendly, flexible opportunities and join our mission to make work life simpler, more pleasant and more productive.

About us

Build Your Digital Future Now

Every day, we refine, iterate and explore how to make work better for everyone. Join us in creating a better future of work that’s more connected, inclusive and flexible.

Open Culture

Be part of an open and diverse culture of collective creativity.

Flexible Workplace

Work from wherever, whenever, and however you want.

Connected & Diverse Teams

Work with a global team of seasoned professionals.

Exciting Challenges

Drive innovation to build the future of technology.

Everyday is Fun

Vibrant people. Positive environment. Wellbeing first.

Onwards and Upward

Unlock personal potential and grow with the company.

OUR values

Our Core Values

Our core values are the foundation of the company's culture, personal growth, and customer success. Our values enable us to move forward on the path of collective growth and evolve with changing world.

Collaboration & Communication


Courage and Curiosity


Continuous Learning




Good Judgement


Integrity & Ownership

Our Team

We're Building The Future

Tokyo, Japan
1-11-1 Marunouchi, 8F/13F Pacific Century Place Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, 100-6208, Japan

Open Positions

3 Roles
Cloud solutions


A paid internship opportunity for new grads who can join in September 2022. A unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in cutting-edge technologies.


Sales Manager Japan

Developing relationships with customers and partners will be your responsibility as you understand our solution's business case and technical merits.

Tokyo, Japan

Seasoned Project Manager

Join our Global Cloud Solutions team, taking on very broad responsibility for successfully delivering software projects for our existing and future customer base.

Ready to Get Started?
Build your digital future now.
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